Lan man wan notes pdf

Local area networks lan sharing transmission media by computers classifications of computer networks. Wide area network wan wide area network wan is a computer network that covers a large geographic area such as a city, country using a communications channel that combines many types of media such as telephone lines, cables, and air waves. The book definition of a wan is a network that spans large geographical locations, usually to interconnect multiple local area networks lans. Questions will also test your knowledge about where these networks are located. Two computers are set to be interconnected if they are able to exchange information. Local area networks lan and wide area networks wan. There are some similarities and dissimilarities between them. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. A network consists of 2 or a lot of computers that are coupled so as to share resources such as cds and printers, exchange files, or enable electronic communications. Before discussing lan wan and man, let us know about the network network. What is the difference between a lan, a man, and a wan. This is a pdf file of a presentation about the limitations, advantages and disadvantages of different types of networks. Wan stands for wide area network and is not restricted like others to a particular location. When you venture into wireless networks you will need to make sure you have wireless network security covered.

This quiz deals with the definitions and attributes of pan, lan, wan and man networks. A man metropolitan area network is a larger network that usually spans several buildings in the same city or town. Prerequisite types of area networks lan, man and wan local area network lan. Types of computer networks find notes the easy way. Explain different types of computer networks lan, man, wan. Man or metropolitan area network covers a larger area than that of a lan and smaller area as compared to wan. Lecture notes data communication and computer networks. Simplify what is man a man falls between a lan and wan in terms of its size.

Difference between lan, wan, and man difference between. Local area network lan is a computer network, which is limited to a small office, single building, multiple buildings inside a campus etc. Lan networks can be implemented in multiple ways, for example twisted pair cables and a wireless wifi with the ieee 802. Metropolitan area network man a metropolitan area network man is a large computer network that usually spans a city or a large campus. A system of lans connected in this way is called a wide area network wan. It can be a single network such as cable tv network, or a measure of connecting a number of lan s o a large network so that resources can be shared lan to lan as well as device to device. I know they sound a bit stupid, but these are the three different types of networks that you can have. Full forms of lan, man and wan are also mentioned this tutorial covers everything one like to know about networking basics including circuit switching vs packet switching, tcpip protocol fields, arprarp. You must choose carriers, bandwidths, service levels, costs. What is the difference between network lan, wan, and man. This layer 3 routing device acts as an interface between the localarea network lan and the wide area network wan. The art and science of connecting individual localarea networks lans to create widearea networks. Limitations, pros and cons of lan, man, wan description.

These are the major types of network designed to establish a network within the area they cover. A network that spans a small geographic area, such as a single building or buildings close to each other. Types of area networks lan, man and wan geeksforgeeks. A man is optimized for a larger geographical area than a lan, ranging from several blocks of buildings to entire cities. Star, ring, bus typical lans ethernet csmacd localtalk csmaca wireless lan. It covers a large geographical area and may serve as an isp internet service provider. Local area network lan high speed, privately owned, short range network ieee 802. It connects two or more computers that are apart but resides in the same or different cities.

Mmeettrrooppoolliittaann aarreeaa nneettwwoorrkk a metropolitan area network man is a network that is utilized across multiple buildings commonly used in school campuses or large companies with multiple buildings is larger than a lan, but smaller than a wan is also used to mean the interconnection of several lans by bridging them together. Computers connected by communication channels that each connect exactly two computers forms mesh or pointtopoint network. The more people in your network, the better your chances of finding that perfect job. Further, for connecting country or a group of countries one requires wide area network. Intro to lanwan introduction contd arpanetmilitary funded, predecessor to the internetphone lines first, satellite and radio later req. When these connections become wireless they are renamed wlan, wwan, and wman. This article explains the three most common and popular types of networks used to link multiple computer systems via a network bridge. Lan is a group of network devices which allow the communication between connected devices. Wan adalah jaringan komputer yang memiliki jangkauan paling luas dibandingkan man dan lan, singkatan dari wide area network, seperti namanya, wan mencakup jarak antar negara danatau benua. Collection of autonomous computers interconnected by a single technology is called computer network. A lan is a data communication system allowing a number of independent devices to communicate directly with each other, within a moderately sized geographical area over a physical communication channel of moderate data rate. The network allows computers to connect and communicate with different computers via any medium.

The private ownership has the control over the local area network rather than public. There are two prevailing definitions of a wide area network wan. Man is a larger network then lan it is spread across the city since it covers the city it is called metropolitan the most common example of man type network is. A wan wide area network, in comparison to a man, is not restricted to a geographical location, although it might be confined within the bounds of a. The computers on a network are also coupled through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or. Difference between lan man and wan lan vs man vs wan. A local area network, or lan, consists of a computer network at a single site, typically an individual office building. In terms of purpose, many networks can be considered general. Difference between lan, man and wan with comparison chart. Lan, man, and wan are the three types of the network designed to operate over the area they cover. Connection can be through a copper wire, fiber optics, microwaves, infrared or satellite.

Wide area networks wanslarger geographic distance e. For the remainder of this text, the term networkwill. Broadcasts do not traverse a wan unless the layer 3 edgerouting device is con. You may also see references to a metropolitan area networks man, a wireless lan wlan, or a.

This page on the difference between lan man and wan compares lan vs man vs wan and derives tabular difference between them. Lan, man, wan pointtopoint connection and shared medium lan topology. Jaringan wan menggunakan media bermacammacam, bisa melalui transmisi seperti telepon, kabel bawah laut atau satelit. The best example of a wan is the internet which is a network that spreads the whole way around the planet. Lan has short propagation delay than man as well as wan. It can be a single network such as cable tv network, or a measure of connecting a number of lans o a large network so that resources can be shared lan to lan as well as device to device. Lan networks can be implemented in multiple ways, for example twisted pair cables and a wireless wifi. Typically, a local area network lan is a private network owned and maintained by a single organization. Limitations, pros and cons of lan, man, wan more info. For perfect computer notes and it tips and tricks visit. On a local area network data transfer speeds are higher than wan and man that can extend to a 10. Also, you can collect notes from the photocopy shop for detailed explanation. Differences between lan and wan perfect computer notes. Ethernet, localtalk, token ring, fddi, atm pan personal area network man metropolitan area network.

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